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In 2019, a group of students came together to advocate for a safer and more inclusive campus environment for all students in NUS. Fast forward six months, and safeNUS was born.


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The Memberships Team is dedicated to improving frameworks within SafeNUS, especially communication channels, to ensure that members' voices are heard. We hope to build a safer campus by first ensuring the welfare of the like-minded individuals joining our cause.

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The Partnerships Team in safeNUS strives to partner with other organizations within and outside of NUS that can help us tackle the problem of campus sexual violence, educate students on the issue and provide support for survivors on campus.

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The Literacy Team at Students for a Safer NUS is committed to creating and provoking discourses surrounding sexual violence and justice. In sieving through literature and media on the matter, we also hope to be able to ignite critical conversations within and beyond the NUS community.

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The safeNUS Research Team focuses on the university culture and how we can make it safer for all university students. Our dedicated team hopes to learn from various other international university cultures to build a supportive and safe environment.

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The Outreach Team manages the social media platforms for safeNUS, and handles all publicity for events, statements, posts etc. The team works on crafting multiple posts weekly for safeNUS’ socials, and focuses on key issues related to sexual violence and sexual health that may not be commonly talked about. They work actively to engage with the public to answer any queries about these topics, whilst also engaging with them about what safeNUS is all about!

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The Support Team is the survivor-centric arm of safeNUS, in charge of conceptualising and facilitating avenues for community care and peer support. Lifting survivors up, learning about their lived experiences, and educating our peers on how best to empathise with survivors are part of how we are making NUS a safer place.

©2020 by safeNUS. All pictures and content are created by safeNUS and should not be reproduced without permission.
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