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Published on: March 7, 2020

To follow up our previous post, Students for a Safer NUS has requested an official statement from relevant offices in NUS and received the following message: "An NUS student has been charged last month for voluntarily causing hurt and for criminal trespass, at a location outside campus. The matter is now with the courts. The student does not hold any leadership position. NUS disciplinary proceedings are currently underway. These are separate from police investigation and public prosecution. Students found to have breached NUS Statutes and Regulations will face sanctions including suspension, official reprimands and expulsion for severe offences. NUS is committed to a safe campus with a strong culture of respect. Any student who feels unsafe on campus should immediately contact the Office of Campus Security. Those who need support can contact the Victim Care Unit, University Counselling Services and the Office of Student Affairs. KUAN Yee Han (Dr.) Assistant Dean of Students National University of Singapore" We believe that having a statement from the university is vital to building a healthier climate where such issues are actively acknowledged and addressed. Should you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to approach us. We have requested relevant updates from the university and will be posting them on our page once received. Violence within our community should not be tolerated and a safer climate starts with making sure that students are informed.


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